Category Archives: Movies

The man from Earth

So I watched ‘The man from earth’ again yesterday night.
Every time I watch this movie, it gets me thinking about something different.
I strongly believe that like some books , some movies should not be watched just once, some songs should not be left behind. A person keeps changing with time, as do his/her interpretations and perceptions of things.This is one of those movies for me.

When I watched it yesterday, I found the part before the ending particularly interesting – the scene where John is given a choice between declaring his story as fiction, or continuing with his proclamation of it being true – in which case he would be admitted to a mental institution. And when he commits to the former, everybody is so eager to believe him, that they actually thank him for denying everything.
Isn’t this classic human behavior ? To try to rubbish out all that we cannot explain ,
It always has to be one of the two – our True or our False, and if it is not, we either impose our Truths, or cry out ‘False’. Why is that ?
I have a theory, a very innocent one. I think it is because of our need to believe in something. And when there is cause to question that something , we defend it blindly because we feel lost without it. That something is trust, it is faith, it is our version of Truth. But do we really need to be blind about it ?
Its good to lose yourself once in a while. Then you really know what you want to come back to.

A very fresh and an extremely thought provoking concept. Even after a third watch .