
A wandering soul trying to find herself … a student by heart , an engineer and a space / furniture designer by qualification, I have an interest in exploring what life has to offer. I enjoy painting , writing  and experimenting with teaching.

Wish to explore art and nature, long to work with children  , and look forward to growing old with my husband 🙂

Will keep updating this page as I dream .

Also contributing to another blog started by us (husband and me) recently – http://gabbartrip.wordpress.com/

24 May 2016

Have started conducting workshops for children – we call ourselves , The Summer Blossoms .


The first three months of the workshop have been designed for the children to explore the vast network that they are a part of. The workshop aims to strengthen the human to human connections as well , and in the process blur artificial borders and patterns that have been created over the years, patterns which disconnect and isolate instead of aiding oneness .

Imagination, creativity, sensitivity, expression, playfulness, curiosity , all centered around inclusiveness , is what the workshop works towards. A lot of the activities revolve and/or are inspired by nature. The children are encouraged to be themselves, build friendships, to explore themselves, and develop a sense of wonder beyond the visible. We study visual art, creative writing, poetry, typography, explore story-telling techniques; we watch animations and science documentaries, hold discussions on various topics – from love, respect, fear , to what languages the animals and plants might be using, to how gears work. We also have a book club where we read and study the works of various writers and poets.

Through this blog, I wish to share my learnings with you, and learn from all of you.


My article on child abuse ( sharing here in case somebody benefits or derives support from my experiences of sexual molestation as a child as well as an adult) – https://www.facebook.com/logical.indian/posts/924953724301014?pnref=story


My poem on Isha Foundation – I do not like to share such events , but this I am very happy about – to  connect with a group of people who are exploring life ,  and I would like to share my happiness 🙂

8 thoughts on “About

  1. icelandpenny

    Hello Priyasha, I am honoured that you choose to follow my blog. Thank you for that. You take beautiful photographs — they show your sensitivity to people and to design as well. It is a long time since I have been in India, and with your photos I can revisit any time.

  2. meenas17

    Like to become a farmer – took me by surprise.It is a lovely wish and hope you become one soon.Wish you well.
    it is a real joy to find that you are following my blog. Thanks a lot.

  3. Samjoth Sashidharan

    Hey hi 🙂
    I am new here and am connecting with bloggers 🙂
    Hope to stay in touch and do visit my blog when you have your time 🙂
    You have a wonderful space..!!


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