The IT

The dead walk amidst
Never knew them to be alive,
and I know not how they died,
or why they walk,

I have noticed them respond to joy
not in the way Life would,
but like death, they Kill.

The dead walk amidst
Never saw them grow,
and I know not why they din’t,
or don’t,

They all look the same
walking around in boxes,
empty boxes.

The dead walk amidst
And they know that they are dead,
But how dare the others know,
and so they walk,

Where, I donot know
and I doubt that they do too,
but the limbs move.

The dead walk amidst
I often prayed them Life,
dead neighbours are not fun,
but Life does’t work for the non-living.

The dead walk amidst
I now wish them Death,
an entry to new worlds
where I hope they learn to live….

A prayer for the living dead.

– 14 February, 2017, Bangalore, Priyasha

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