My Resurrection

“Come join us,” they said,
“After all, you are one of us.”
Innocently I stepped in
excited to share
the joys of life,
into the circle
I thought, was life.

A coldness brushed by
As I took my first step,
“It can’t be this cold
with such warming smiles.”
I denied.

“Come Come “, they urged
“Come fast, sit here.”
I forced my steps
my denial, the second time.

“Come now, come here,
We asked you to sit,
you standing there
is impolite!”

I took a seat
at the ‘center of affection’
for I could fathom yet not
another intention –
my third denial.

It was the coldest
I’d known Time to be,
a dead, frozen, joyless place;
judging myself to be insane
by those glaring eyes,
I almost let go
of the Holy Voice…

This voice, my compass of joy
was now a murmur,
This voice, in my confusion
I had simply let by,
This voice , my faithful teacher
my friend in lives gone by.

I grasped, searchingly
This Savior
I held on tight,
I held on tight,
I held on and listened,
I held on and smiled,
I held on till
I was one with this voice,
My centre of affection.

And as joy slowly flowed
I breathed in life,
and laughed .
I laughed,
I sang,
I danced !
I laughed till I knew
no other way to life,
And then I laughed some more.

May this insanity prevail .
A welcome oblivion,
at the center of life.

Bhuj, Gujarat, 03-Jan-2017







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