Exploring Connections

We are essentially a network of connections. And nature has used its brush strokes to create stunning patterns which are always there to remind us of these connections – connections waiting to be discovered by each of us.
– The Summer Blossoms

As a part of the workshop, the children explored these connections through thread art , and created this 7 – piece – Art Installation.

Each of these seven pieces represents one of the seven elements we are trying to connect – You / neighbor, I, Bees and Butterflies, other Animals, Trees, Flowers and Birds. We explore if and how these 7 elements are connected to/through these seven threads – Earth, Sun, Water, Air, Freedom, Respect, Love.

The final product is this set of beautiful paintings done using thread art . Each color
represents one of the connections, and each thread runs through all those elements it connects.



These videos are recordings of the discussions with the Summer Blossoms children while working on this art installation . Please do put on your headphones and spare some time , the children have some interesting things to say. ( Five part discussion)

Hats off to you children ! Brilliant work !

1 thought on “Exploring Connections

  1. Rajesh

    The topics you have covered in just mind boggling! You have covered almost all aspects of our day-to-day life. The emphasis you have given for the children and environment and art, needs special mention! Good Job! May your tribe prosper! God Bless!


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